Order Your Watercolor Kit

The first time I went to a watercolor class, I had a little Crayola box and the brush that came with it. Everyone around me had professional pigments and brushes. I felt embarrassed but I didn't know what to go out and buy. There are so many options when it comes to painting with watercolor.

Since then, I made it my goal to make the process easy and affordable for any of my students. I started making a Watercolor Kit that includes almost everything you will ever need to paint any of my courses. My watercolor kits come with the following:

  • a backboard that you can attach your paper to and paint away - no need for an expensive easel
  • 6 pre-cut pieces of Fabriano Artistico Watercolor Paper, 140lb, bright white, 100% cotton (what I use!)
  • a palette pre filled with all 19 American Journey professional pigments that you will use in any of my courses
  • 1 inch flat brush
  • 3 round brushes in different sizes
  • a liner brush
  • a grainer or comb brush
  • a scraping implement
  • a toothbrush for splattering
  • natural sponges
  • pre-made corks that we use to make trees and fence posts
  • a laminated picture with names of pigments and Jim's rules for watercolor painting

I don't want my students to have to spend $300-500 for their supplies to get started painting (which is very easy to do). My Watercolor Kits are $200 and include FREE Priority Mail Shipping anywhere in the Continental US.

To order please fill out the Google form HERE.

The only other things you will need to purchase are white Gouache, miskit or contact paper, plastic wrap, and masking tape (for "Arches, Windows and Doorways", you will only need masking tape and none of the rest).

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